Winter Safety Tips 

By Denise Zerkle, MCBDD Health Services Coordinator 

  • Hypothermia is when your body loses too much heat and cannot work properly
  • Know the early signs of Hypothermia – shivering, feeling cold, confusion, clumsiness, and stumbling
  • Frostbite is when the skin freezes. Usually affects nose, ears, face, fingers, and toes
  • Know the early signs of Frostbite – red and cold skin that might start to turn white, prickling and numbness, tingling or stinging feeling
  • Take action if you notice early signs of Hypothermia or Frostbite
  • Get out of the cold weather, wind, rain or snow if possible
  • Remove any wet clothing and add warm layers of clothing and/or wrap in warm blankets
  • Drink warm fluids
  • Clothing tips to remember when you are going to be outside in the cold weather
  • Make sure to wear a warm coat
  • Wear a hat to keep your body heat in
  • Wear gloves or mittens to keep your hands warm
  • Wear a scarf that can cover your face and mouth to prevent cold air from entering your lungs
  • Wear good insulated boots with rubber treads to help keep your feet warm and prevent falling when walking
  • Take extra clothing, blankets, and warm fluids


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