Recreation News Flash
The MCBDD Recreation Department’s February 2021 Schedule
February events begin on February 4th!
Basketball-@ Fairhaven-4:30-6:00pm
Volleyball-@ Fairhaven-4:30-6:00pm
Wildcard Wednesday-@ Fairhaven-3 shifts 5:00, 5:30 & 6:00pm
Basketball-@ Fairhaven-4:30-6:00pm
Blues Busters-Activity drops to homebound individuals-prior to noon
Porch Talk
Schedule a ½ an hour visit with a friendly face from 9:00am to 11:00am (weather permitting)
*All volunteer/individual scheduling will be done through Caternia Pierce via cell phone (614)-432-6591 or Facebook. Please be patient and courteous as there are many to serve.
Guidelines are as follows:
1. All events will follow current safety protocols and adhere to state mandated restrictions including the use of face masks and social distancing.
2. Individuals who cannot adhere to social distancing policies will be unable to attend group events.
3. There will be no access to drinking water so please bring your own.
4. Group sizes are currently limited to 10-so shifts may used to help alleviate numbers.
Stay strong and call today!
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