Supporting Recovery Through Work and Purpose
Supporting Recovery Through Work and Purpose

OOD Jobs for Recovery is a partnership that assists Ohioans with disabilities, who are participating in a specialized drug court docket, to find and keep a job. Consistent employment helps Ohioans in recovery stay on a positive path, increase their independence and income, and engage meaningfully in the community.
OOD staff are active members of drug court teams and help individuals with substance use disorders and/or mental health diagnoses with work. These staff attend court proceedings and ensure the rapid engagement of each participant in career counseling, job placement, and retention services. They also can help address employment barriers, such as transportation and interview/work clothing. OOD Jobs for Recovery provides employment support for individuals served through certified specialized dockets in the following counties: Allen, Ashtabula, Butler, Clinton, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Highland, Hocking, Lucas, Mahoning, Scioto, Summit, Tuscarawas, and Warren.
In FFY 2022, a total of 100 Ohioans successfully completed the OOD Jobs for Recovery Program, working through their recovery and finding employment.
To learn more, visit the OOD Jobs for Recovery webpage, or contact Mallory Fisher, Program Administrator, at or 330-812-7486.
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