First Lady DeWine Celebrates Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio Reaching Record Number of Ohio Children

Dolly Parton attended First Lady Fran DeWine's 2022 Luncheon to support the Imagination Library.
Last week, Ohio First Lady Fran DeWine announced new records regarding participation in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio: 60% of Ohio’s eligible children – from birth to age five – enrolled in the program in January, which means 400,611 children received the books.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio mails kids one free book each month until their fifth birthday. Any child in Ohio between birth and age five can enroll.
How Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio Works:
- Enroll your child at
- In six to eight weeks, your child will receive the first book in the mail.
- Siblings under the age of five are also eligible and should be enrolled.
Why It’s Important:
- Brain science shows that a child’s brain is already 80% developed by three years old.
- Through reading, children begin to learn words and sounds, recognize pictures, and understand emotions.
Braille and Audio Format:
In partnership with American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. (APH), many of the books in the program are available in braille and audio format so that young children who are blind or have low vision can also participate.
Six books are chosen each year to be “Braille Tales” books. Braille labels are added to each book, bringing the whole family together by allowing them to read braille or print. Visit the APH Braille Tales webpage to learn more.
Audiobooks are also available to children. These books may only be played on a digital playback device loaned from the National Library Service (NLS) or another device approved by the NLS. This device will allow children to download the audiobook files, which are posted online every month. For more information about the audiobook option, please visit the APH audiobooks webpage.
It’s easy! Go to or the APH collaboration webpage to start your child’s free book delivery!
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