All About Accessibility: Understanding How Employment Impacts Your Benefits


A person in a wheelchair at a desk on a computer looking over their shoulder at another person who is walking toward them.

If you’re considering employment but want to know how it might impact your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, we can help! 

The Social Security Administration has established various employment support and work incentives to ensure that you maximize your earning potential. OOD can also assist individuals who prefer to maintain some or all of their cash benefits and health insurance while earning an income at work—often bringing in more each month than with benefits alone. 

Our Work Incentive Consultants can help you understand how working may affect your SSI and SSDI benefits, as well as other forms of assistance such as medical insurance, housing, and food support. 

Visit Work Incentives Planning to learn more, or get our help with work incentives planning by starting an application for services at


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